Monday, April 13, 2009

Oops, I'm slipping

I had every intention of working myself up to being a consistent blogger. I thought I would start with a goal of once a month and soon be posting on a weekly basis. The calender is on a new page and I am remiss. My New Year's Resolution is in danger of extinction.

Things I learned in the last month:

1. "There is meat inside of cows." (Thanks the MK for this little tidbit, he was helping me brown twenty pounds of ground beef.)

2. I love the way my little boy giggles when he shows me where he is hiding his belly button.

3. that could have a post all by itself. I loved my yogurt. I'm adjusting to kefir. Unfortunately, I read all about the health benefits of kefir vs. yogurt and so I now feel duty bound to make kefir. Not exactly a sweet way to start the day. The kids add a lot of frozen bananas to their smoothies so they have not really had an adjustment to make. I am working on a sugar fast and that includes sugary fruits (not all, just the tropical varieties) so I try and drink my kefir with very few addititves. The current problem is that I broke something on my Bosch blender and my kefir keeps multiplying. Call me if you want some starter grains!

4. On Wednesday I will attend the last session of a 25 week Bible study class on the Christan Home. It was very good. Our leader told us that, over the course of the last year, we have accessed over 2000 Bible references. This information would have been overwhelming to hear on the first week, it was exciting news now that the class is concluding. It was an encouragement to me to keep accomplishing little goals. The little things become big things when they a cumulative.