Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Something New Everyday

I have heard it said that we learn something new every day. My goal for 2009 is to chronicle this journey. I'm starting my January resolution in December because the first thing I need to learn is how to make a blogspot. It doesn't seem to be as easy as it looks. Maybe I should ask my three year old to help me?

Sources for new information are my own personal experience, my seven children (especially my three year old), my Pastor husband, etc. etc. Ecclesiastes says that there is nothing new under the sun. This statement is true but it does not change the fact that there are a lot of new things for me to learn.

Today I am learning to brine a turkey. The book says my finished product will retain significantly increased amounts of moisture. This is a good thing when cooking a turkey which is expected to produce leftovers for several meals. I am also interested to discover that there is greater sin in brining too long as opposed to too little. This is why I did not start the process last night. One gallon of water, one cup of salt and one not-quit-big-enough stock pot. Maybe we can do a taste test on the portion of the turkey that is protruding out of the pot. Could that count for a Science lesson?

I have just discovered that the spell checker in this program does not understand my brain waves. This could be very embaressing. Instead of "brining" the turkey it thinks I should be "braining" it. "Brain" is not a word that I would have associated with turkeys.

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